Wednesday, June 3, 2015

My Personal Book Rating Scale

     For the sake of clarity, I’m going to be using a five-star rating scale. But stars are boring, so I’ll be calling it the 5-Star Lord Scale! In addition to being a play on the term ‘5 Stars’, Star Lord’s real last name is Quill, which is also awesome because, back in the good ole’ days, writers used feathery quill pens to write down their masterpieces.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The ratings I give a book are my own personal opinions. Everyone has different tastes, so I encourage you to seek out books that strike your fancy, no matter what they may be rated on here. I’d hate for you to pass over what could’ve been your favorite book because I personally thought it was awful.

    With that said, here’s a breakdown of every rating in my personal scale:

The Star Lord Scale

5 Star Lords: Two weeks later, and I’m still thinking about this book. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, unable to put it down but not wanting it to end. It was a reading experience that I’ll never forget and never get to re-live.

4 Star Lords: I thoroughly enjoyed this book. There were original elements that made me see things in a new light, and something in particular stuck out to me (writing style, character development, unexpected plot twist, etc.).

3 Star Lords: There were good parts and bad parts. I enjoyed it while I was reading it, but it didn't really give a lasting effect. I would probably recommend it if you’ve never read it, but it’s not one I would necessarily pick up again.

2 Star Lords: I barely managed to finish this book. It was drawn out, poorly written, and confusing. Only through sheer determination did I get to the end. 

1 Star Lord: I couldn’t finish it. I put it down and walked away. Not because it goes against some personal morals, but because it was just that terrible. Every time I tried to sit down and keep reading the book, I immediately fell asleep or came close to it. How did this get published? *

* I know this last rating sounds harsh, but let me preface it by saying that I almost NEVER walk away from a book. I can think of only three books that I did not finish, and they were all well written from what I could tell, but I just couldn’t get into them. A book has to be reeeeeeeeaaaaally terrible if I give it this rating.

On the flip side, it will be rare for me to a rate a book as a five either. It has to be a truly magical reading experience for that to happen. Most of my ratings will range between two and four Star Lords.

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